Yasss boo! We’re participating in Black Friday today, and I wanted to take a moment to explain why. I know that some in the sustainability space pass on the holiday, and I understand it. Historically, Black Friday has been categorized by frenzied crowds stampeding to insanely discounted toasters, over-consuming because “why not at this price?”

However, just because that’s been the norm doesn’t mean we can’t take a different approach. Even on Black Friday, you can still be an intentional shopper and purchase the things you need (at a sweet discount to boot.) You can take advantage of the sales to shop quality over quantity and support brands whose price point is typically a stretch. That’s is why Declarative is running a sale this Black Friday.

Declarative is rarely an impulse purchase to the amazing people who support us. Typically, our customers save up to invest in one of our knits, and it’s a thoughtfulness that really moves me as a maker. And it’s something I want to say thank you for. So this Black Friday, our pieces are on sale in appreciate to you and the rest of our dear community.

Although I‘m alone in the studio everyday, I’m by no means in Declarative alone. I know I say that a lot, but I mean it. You’re a part of the team, and we’re all building this brand together. None of this could exist without you. Every order, every comment, like, share and note of encouragement. It all matters. It all means the world to me. Thank you so much and have a wonderful holidays my queen.
